“Paris Goods” Luxury Retailing and the Emergence of les Grands Magasins of Paris with Roger Mummert

Event begins at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET

Beginning in Medieval times, travelers came to Paris seeking les articles de Paris, the superior “Paris goods” found there. They still do. 

Early records kept by prévôts des marchands document the commerce that took place on the bridges and quays and in the markets of Paris. The prévôts also regulated trade guilds that, in turn, ensured that their artisans maintained quality standards. 

Retailing of "Paris Goods" blossomed in the 19th century with the industrial revolution and the rising wealth of the bourgeoisie. The construction of passages couverts transformed commerce from a street activity to a colorful social event in gaslit arcades. This brought social changes, with the mixing of classes and the emergence of the grissette or shopgirl who became the subject of risqué literature. 

The advent of trains and steamship travel brought excursions of shoppers from afar. They flocked to glittering new department stores: Bon Marché, Printemps, Galleries Lafayette. These palaces of commerce added a theatrical exuberance to shopping in Paris.

From the La Belle Époque to today, Paris has been synonymous with haute couture, prêt-à-porter and unsurpassed style and quality in fashion and luxury goods. Many leading fashion houses offer exhibits on the development of their premier brands: La Galerie Dior, Musée Yves St. Laurent, Musée Émile Hermès, la Fondation Cartier.

This presentation celebrates luxury retailing in a style that is unmistakably Parisian and revered around the world. 

About Roger Mummert

Roger Mummert is a journalist whose writing on culture and travel has appeared in the New York Times and elsewhere. He is the creator of www.theparisproject.net, an experiential resource that explores the history of Paris as a city of ideas. He authors a monthly newsletter: “Paris: A City of Ideas.” He is the creator and host of an ongoing series of Zoom presentations in association with the Alliance Française on Paris and French culture. Recent presentations can be viewed on You Tube. 

Listen to Roger Mummert talk about our upcoming event:

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