Turds, Guns, Graves, Rats and Bad Dates: The City of Light in Paris Lost and Found

Event begins at 2pm PT / 3pm MT / 4pm CT / 5pm ET

Join author Scott Dominic Carpenter and the Fédération’s Charles Coulon for a lively discussion about Scott's new book, Paris Lost and Found. Reviewed as “the funniest book I’ve ever read that also made me cry” (Secrets of Paris), the memoir captures the City of Light in all its authentic quirkiness. (Conducted in English.)

Book description: Paris Lost and Found

What to do when life smacks you down? Head for Paris, of course!

In this book, the author of French Like Moi (2020) returns to the scene of the crime with more tales of intrigue. This time, he’s reeling from loss—and hoping the City of Light will come to his rescue. From bizarre encounters on the Metro to comical clashes with authority figures, including a quixotic battle against a flock of migrant parrots, and even the tribulations of dating, Paris Lost and Found unveils sides of the great city that are as quirky as they are authentic. With a unique blend of wit, insight, and wistfulness, Carpenter charts a path through a labyrinth of challenges—only to emerge on the other side, squinting into the bright light of hope and new beginnings.

Scott Dominic Carpenter teaches French literature and creative writing at Carleton College (MN). Winner of a Mark Twain House Royal Nonesuch Award (2018), he is the author of French Like Moi: A Midwesterner in Paris (winner of a Next Generation Indie Book Award), This Jealous Earth: Stories, and Theory of Remainders: A Novel (a Kirkus Best Book of 2013), which is currently in development to become a major motion picture. Carpenter splits his time between St. Paul and Paris. His website is sdcarpenter.com.

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RSVP by Apr 24 2025 5:15pm

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