
Trips to France that focus on language learning and culture in an immersive environment

Bordeaux, France
September 2025

Registration opens: Friday, October 25, 2024


Each participant (student or travel partner) must register by completing and submitting this online registration form acknowledging and agreeing to the following and all other terms relating to the program laid out in the accompanying web pages.  Space is limited.  Register today!

Payment by credit card in 3 installments:

$50 non-refundable deposit due upon online registration

April 16, 2025:
$900 for homestay participants
$650 for hotel-based participants
$250 for travel partners

May 16, 2025:
$900 for homestay participants
$650 for hotel-based participants
$250 for travel partners

Bordeaux Trip Cancellation and Refund Policy

Important dates:

Registration deadline and first payment: April 16, 2025

Please note: Payment must be submitted by credit card by April 16.

Second payment by credit card: May 16, 2025 


Cancellation Made Within

April 16 – April 23, 2025
April 24 – May 16, 2025
After May 17, 2025

100% refund minus a $200 penalty fee
25% refund of your first payment
No refund

Unfortunately, for legal reasons, we are unable to accept registrants who are residents of California, Florida, Hawaii or Washington state.

Full Name
Email Address
AF Chapter
ZIP code
Select your housing choice (travel partners are ONLY permitted to choose Hotel/Airbnb)
Will you have a travel partner?
NOTE: Each travel partner must complete and submit his or her own online registration form.
Name of your travel partner (if it pertains)
NOTE: Each travel partner must complete and submit his or her own online registration form.
Waiver and Release - Bordeaux Trip 2025




I have registered to participate in the 2025 Study in Bordeaux Program  (the “Program”) organized by the Federation of Alliances Françaises USA, a District of Columbia nonprofit corporation (the “Federation”) affiliated with the world-wide Alliance Française network (the “AF Network”).   This agreement confirms my understanding of  the following:

Risks of International Travel:  I understand that participation in the Program involves inherent risks, including (without limitation) risks in traveling to, from and within the Program site(s); foreign political, legal, medical, social and economic conditions; different standards of design, safety and maintenance of buildings, public places and conveyances;  consumption of food; and local weather conditions. I understand that as a participant in the Program, I may sustain personal injury, illness, property loss or damage, or even death as a consequence of these (and other) risks or of the actions, inactions or negligence of myself or others.   I understand these risks and assume them knowingly and willingly.

Health Status and Insurance:  I have no known physical or health-related problems that may preclude or restrict my participation in the Program and related activities, or I have disclosed to the Federation any physical conditions, including special dietary and medication needs, that might impair my ability to participate in the Program. I assume responsibility for any necessary immunizations and will make all preparations necessary to safeguard my health and comply with all recommended precautions pertaining to my health and safety.  I have arranged, through insurance or otherwise, to meet any and all needs for payment of health care coverage or medical costs that I may incur while participating in the Program, as well as all costs of repatriation to my home country for health care or medical treatment.  I authorize the Federation and its agents to obtain appropriate health care for me in the event that I need it but am unable to obtain it for myself, and I agree to hold harmless and indemnify the Federation and its agents for any and all actions taken by the Federation or its agents to provide emergency necessary medical care during the Program.

Travel Arrangements:  I understand that the Federation and its agents do not represent or act as agents for, and cannot control the acts or omissions of, any host family, employer, transportation carrier, hotel, tour organizer or other provider of foods or services involved in the Program, and that the Federation and its agents cannot warrant the safety or convenience of the circumstances in which I will be living.

Program Changes or Cancellation:  I understand that, although the Federation will attempt to maintain the Program as described in its publications, it reserves the right to change any portion of the Program, including (without limitation) the curriculum, instructors, itinerary, travel arrangements or accommodations at any time and for any reason, with or without notice, and that the Federation and  its agents, shall not be responsible for any expenses or losses that I may incur because of such changes.  I understand and agree that the Federation is not liable for any non-refundable tickets or services  I purchase in conjunction with the Program.  I acknowledge that the Federation has the right to cancel the Program and to decline to accept or retain any person as a participant in  the Program at any time.

GENERAL RELEASE:  Knowing the risks described above, I agree, on behalf of my family, heirs and personal representative(s), to assume all risks and responsibilities surrounding my participation in the Program. I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless (1) the Federation, (2) all other persons affiliated in any way with the AF Network, (3) the respective directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents and representatives of the Federation or such other persons affiliated with the AF Network, and (4) any other persons involved with the Program, either directly or indirectly, from all claims, losses, liabilities, costs and  expenses (including attorney’s fees) for injury to person or property, or for any other damage which I may suffer, or for which I may be liable to any other person, related to my participation in the Program, resulting from any cause, including but not limited to negligence on my part or on the part of any of the released parties.

No registration for the Program is effective, and no one may participate in the Program as a student or travel partner, unless he or she has explicitly acknowledged and agreed to the above payment terms, Bordeaux Trip Cancellation and Refund Policy, Waiver and Release – Bordeaux Trip 2025 and all other terms relating to the program laid out in the accompanying web pages, by inserting his or her name in the box below and submitting this registration form using the Send button below.

I have read and understood the above payment terms, Bordeaux Trip Cancellation and Refund Policy, Waiver and Release – Bordeaux Trip 2025 and all other terms relating to the Program laid out in the accompanying web pages, and I agree to be bound by all of the above and all such related terms by inserting my name in the box below and submitting this online registration form using the Send button below, which actions shall constitute my agreement to these terms for all legal purposes. My signature below also constitutes my representation and agreement that I have acquired or will acquire before attending the Program all health, liability and repatriation insurance required by AFB.

Sign Here
Date Picker